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How to wear BELTS and make them work for you.

When it comes to putting an outfit together, sometimes it's the simplest accessories that can make or break an entire look. A great belt can be a practical essential, or simply the full stop to complete your outfit.
COAT TALES - How to feel confident when buying a new season coat!

COAT TALES - How to feel confident when buying a new season coat!

The hunt for a new winter coat can be an arduous task if you don’t know what you are looking for. The looming winter season brings with it a huge display of styles, colours, textures, prints and lengths to keep your appetite for coats satiated - if not a little confused!
STYLE DOCTOR: Fashion First Aid

STYLE DOCTOR: Fashion First Aid

How to keep your clothes in good shape after they leave the store.

Have you ever wondered why some clothes look amazing in the shop and then seem to deteriorate after time spent in your closet? Chances are, they are in poor fashion health. 

Try these quick tips to help make your wardrobe gleam with delight.

Paula Ryan fashion designer

What would you ask Paula?

During a lifetime of working in the fashion publishing and apparel design industries, fashion designer Paula Ryan has become a perennial source of style wisdom. At media events and gatherings, she’s often prompted for advice about how to be stylish and what to wear. Here are the questions Paula hears most frequently.